Get Involved

What it Means to Volunteer

This group was founded in 1990 by a core group of dedicated individuals who selflessly gave of their time and talents to help foster a sense of Community to those with Down Syndrome, their families, and their friends.

Their spirit lives on today and through the efforts of countless volunteers, continues to grow. Our group continues to grow, and today, more than ever, we are reaching out to you, our friends, to help us continue the tradition of service to the Community.

Anyone Can Volunteer

There are no special skills required. Only a willingness and desire to seek change. Your reward will be the knowledge and satisfaction that you helped change the world. Never underestimate the power of a small group of dedicated individuals to effect wonderful change. Together we will make a BIG difference!

What Can I Do to Help Out?

Here is partial list of some of the activities you can volunteer to assist us with. You can donate as little as an hour or two of your time.

Who can Volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer. You do not have to be a DCDSIG Member to volunteer your time or talents. If you are interested in volunteering, please take a minute to fill out the form on this page.

Volunteer Activities

Annual Bingo Event

  • Donate a basket or item for the Silent Auction
  • Help obtain new sponsors
  • Setup and take down activities
  • Registration functions
  • Raffle table

Summer Picnic & Holiday Party

  • Setup and take down activities
  • Bring non-perishable food donations to the holiday party to be donated to a local food cupboard

Various Events

  • Various administrative functions
  • Organize age group activities
  • Set up and/or take down decorations
  • Send suggestions for speakers or topics for future events

Volunteer with DelcoDSIG!

Sign up to volunteer for our next event.

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